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Saturday, February 5, 2011


I.             Learning Mathematics
A.   Course/ Subject Description
B.   Rationale/ background/ overview of the content
C.   Principles and Standards of Math
a.    Equity
b.   Curriculum
c.    Teaching
d.   Learning
e.    Assessment
f.     Technology

II.           Teaching competencies
A.   Competency Standard
B.   Designing  Math Lessons
a.    Creating math objectives
b.   Role of motivation and follow up
c.    Evaluation of teaching and learning
d.   Adjusting instruction and classroom instructional aids
III.         Assessing math
A.   Teaching competencies
a.    Teacher’s observation checklist
b.   CB-PAS
B.   Assessment standards
C.   Purposes for assessment
D.  Assessment techniques
a.    Teacher’s observation checklist
b.   Test questions/ periodical exam
c.    TOS
d.   Item  Analysis
e.    Grading sheets
f.     Assessment rubrics
1.   Holistic
2.   Analytic
IV.         Technology tools for enhancing teaching, learning and assessing math
-          Use of technology in teaching-learning of math
A.   Instructional software
B.   Application software
C.   Multimedia in math classroom
D.  Telecommunication in math classroom
-Techniques and standard rules in teaching computer-based math lessons.
          2 sample lesson plan in CT-based math using appropriate software materials.
V.           Problem solving, Decision making and Communicating in Math
A.   Nature of problem solving
B.   Problem solving strategies
C.   Approaching word problems effectively
D.  Logic and Reasoning
E.   The Language of Logic and math
1.   Ten-item problem solving in math with solutions (hint: consider the procedures on the approaches of effective problem-solving techniques)
2.   Ten-item abstract reasoning problems with solution or explanation

February 7- 2 brief lesson plan
February 10- 3 semi-detailed lesson plan
February 14- 3 detailed lesson plan
February 17- 2 CT-based lesson plan
February 21- EXAM
February 24- Demonstration (first group)
February 28- Demonstration (2nd group)
March 3- Demonstration (3rd group)
March 7- Demonstration (4th group)
March 10- Demonstration (5th group)
March 14- Submission of the Portfolio

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